The purchase at (referred to as 3D-Rom) is regulated by the below standard sales conditions for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet. Consumer purchases over the Internet are mainly regulated by the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchases Act, the Marketing Act, the Right of Cancellation Act, and the E-commerce Act, and these laws give the consumer inalienable rights. The laws are available at The terms of this agreement are not to be understood as any limitation of the statutory rights but set out the parties' most important rights and obligations for the trade.
1. Agreement
The agreement consists of these terms and conditions of sale, the information provided in the ordering solution, and any separately agreed terms. In the event of any conflict between the information, what is separately agreed between the parties takes precedence, as long as it does not conflict with mandatory legislation. The agreement will also be supplemented by relevant legal provisions that regulate the purchase of goods between traders and consumers.
2. The parties
The seller is, e-mail: tel: +47 90 66 23 50, 829299852 and is referred to as a seller. The buyer is the consumer who makes the order and is referred to in the following as the buyer.
3. Price
The stated price for the design visualizing, pictures, and services is the total price the buyer must pay. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller has not been informed about before the purchase, shall not be borne by the buyer.
4. Conclusion of agreement
The agreement is binding for both parties when the buyer has sent his order to the seller. The agreement is nevertheless not binding if there has been a writing or typing error in the offer from the seller, in the ordering solution in the online store/website or in the buyer's order, and the other party realized or should have realized that there was such an error.
5. Payment
Payment is made at the start of the assignment unless otherwise agreed in writing.
6. Liability or its employees are not responsible for any errors, damages or delays that result from customers or others using our drawings/products/services together with platforms, software, technical equipment or through craftsmanship. Our drawings/photos are illustrative only and should not be considered architectural drawings.
7. Right of withdrawal
The buyer's right of withdrawal expires when the download/streaming starts of the 3D drawing or when electronic transmission (email etc.) is registered with the seller (cf. the Right of Cancellation Act). However, the buyer's right of withdrawal applies during the drawing assignment and up to what is described above. The withdrawal period for the buyer is deemed to have been complied with if notification is sent before the expiry of the period as mentioned above. The buyer has the burden of proof that the right of withdrawal has been exercised, and the notification must therefore be made in writing (e-mail or letter).
8. Return
Digital drawings that have been sent to the buyer will not be returned unless the right to additional corrections has been separately agreed with the seller.
9. Fulfillment
If the seller does not deliver a 3D drawing as agreed, the buyer can maintain the purchase and demand fulfillment from the seller. However, the buyer cannot demand fulfillment if there is an obstacle that the seller cannot overcome, or if fulfillment will entail such a great inconvenience, time consumption or cost for the seller that it is significantly out of proportion to the buyer's interest in the seller fulfilling. Should the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the buyer can still demand fulfillment. The buyer loses his right to demand fulfillment if he or she waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.
10. Elevation
If the seller does not deliver the product or service at the time of scheduled delivery, the buyer must call on the seller to deliver within a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional deadline, the buyer can cancel the purchase. However, the buyer can cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the item. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, or if the buyer has notified the seller that the time of delivery is decisive. If the 3D drawing is delivered after the additional deadline the buyer has set or after the time of delivery which was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, the demand for cancellation must be made in writing (email, etc.) within 36 hours after the buyer became aware of the delivery.
11. Personal data
The controller for collected personal data is the seller. Unless the buyer agrees to something else, the seller, in line with the Personal Data Act, can only obtain and store the personal data that is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer's data will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to complete the agreement with the buyer, or in statutory cases.
12. Conflict resolution
Complaints must be addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. points 9 and 10. The parties must try to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not successful, the buyer can contact the Consumer Council for mediation. The Consumer Council is available by phone or at The European Commission's complaints portal can also be used if the buyer wishes to complain. It is particularly relevant if you are a consumer living in another EU country. The complaint is lodged here: